Oh i TOTALLY agree with this song!
Its all true,and ironiclly,almost noone buys a PS3,yet if their friend or local hangout gets one,they swarm on it.(This place here in prince rupert kept a PS3 for only 2 days cause the discs were all scratched,unplayable,and someone tryed stealing the damn thing,lol)
Also the PSP is starting to suck.Look at the new models! 30% less weight,Smaller with same screen size,Brighter screen,More Shiny,and battery efficient!They should just call it the PSP LITE!...
MGS4 dosent look too great....i mean,big whoop,you play as old,balding Snake still with the eyepatch!....and also,i could care less about that.i get SSBB!BOOYA!
sorry for rambling on and on,got carried away...